Timothy Smith

Timothy Smith


Very few class intakes. Strictly limited capacity.
1 x classes per week (Repetition OR Actors Core)
per 5-week term   |   $440.00

2024 Term 5 Commencing 23rd August 2024


Meisner Repetition Technique

Sanford Meisner developed this incredible foundation exercise because he felt that there were two major areas of concern for the actor: they were self-conscious and they didn’t listen. The Repetition Exercise is specifically designed to address these two issues. But it does much more than that! Great acting can only take place when we are truly present, riding the wave of unanticipated moment to unanticipated moment. This exercise invites you to ride that wave.

If you're seeking to experience the joy of being spontaneous, alive, connected to your partner and in turn yourself, then you will want to experience this technique.

*There is a trajectory to this work. All actors commence in Stage 1. Admission to Stage 2 and beyond is by invitation only.


Actors Core

I don't know what is better than the work that is given to the actor—it teaches the human heart knowledge of itself. — Laurence Olivier

Before we get to the text, we must first develop not only a foundational understanding of the technique but also a deeper understanding of ourselves artistically. After all, we have only ourselves to work from.

Because acting is an exercise in vulnerability, it’s not uncommon to meet instrumental obstacles when we get up to work. Habits like; tension, anxiety, self consciousness (to name but a few), can often get in the way of our creative expression.

Actors Core is an instrument class designed, through a diverse range of exercises, to work and stretch muscles not only integral to the craft but also, as a by product, can help expand your experience of self. 

These exercises focus on openness, contact, vulnerability, relaxation, honesty and spontaneity.

All that I have to offer as an artist is the revelation of my soul. — Eleanora Duse


Term Dates

 Term 5 Repetition: Commencing 23rd August 2024.

Term 5 Actors Core: TBC

Stage 1 Class | The Repetition Exercise

  • Build the foundation of a truthful and alive acting instrument by cultivating an authentic and sensitised connection to your partner and your own spontaneous impulses.

  • Experience the spontaneity and freedom of working unanticipated moment to unanticipated moment

  • Get out of your head and learn to work from a place of dynamic ease rather than tension.

  • Discover your own unique individual response as an actor by relinquishing your defensive habits. You are enough.

    *Entry to Justin Lehmann Studio is via Stage 1 Class only.  

Stage 2 Class | The Independent Activity

  • Understand the ‘Actors Faith’ which allows you to step inside the imaginary circumstance.

  • Learn how to set the exercise up in a way that brings the actor to a rich and specific life.

  • Build a strong foundation by learning how to craft specifically and search for personal meaning in everything you do as an artist.

  • Learn how to find simplicity and specificity in your work.

Participation in Stage 2 and beyond is by invitation only.

Stage 3 Class | Expanding the Exercise

  • Learning how to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances. Understanding what simple, specific and personal means.

  • Cultivate your originality and find thematic chords within yourself to evolve your work and depth as an actor

  • Cultivating a rich and specific behavioural life by seeking specificity in your crafting.

  • Expand your artistic and instrumental depth by being free and available to go wherever the exercise is taking you.

Stage 4 Class | Scene Work

  • Find a deeper understanding of the work by experiencing how it extends into text.

  • Understand what it means to get out of the words and into the life of the contact.

  • Experience the richness of being free, spontaneous and authentically alive within the scene.


To be notified about new class intakes and term dates, sign up to the Studio newsletter on our home page.